Monday, November 29

Financial Curve Balls

Are You Prepared for the Inevitable Financial Setbacks?
...Financial Curve Balls

Life is messy. There are going to be troubles in your life. No one is immune from the curve balls that come your way.
Any of these can make you fall into financial disaster…
  • Loss of job
  • Divorce
  • Medical problems
  • Children
  • Automobile accidents
  • Death or disability of the income earner
  • Pay cuts
  • Retirement plans eliminated
  • Corporate downsizing or reorganization
An event like any of these can quickly place a person in a position where he feels he is drowning financially.
Unfortunately, most people aren’t prepared to deal with these curve balls.
The curve balls also pay a toll on our families.
Finances are the leading cause of fights in families. That leads to marital breakdown and divorce. Divorce only makes the financial situation worse.
When these troubles come, and they will, it is much better for you to be on the Financial Freedom Trail than if you weren’t.

If you have adequate margin in your finances, you will be in a much better financial position to weather these storms.
This will lower the impact of these events and reduce your anxiety. Your savings (we’ll show you how to build an emergency fund) will give you time to deal with it.

Personal finance is all about manipulating, or controlling your finances to give you the greatest degree of margin.
No matter where you are right now on your financial journey, the information on this site, if applied, will move you further in the direction of financial freedom.
Even if you are in Distress or Stress, we can help you move to a place of margin.
Each step you take along the Financial Freedom Trail will put you closer to your goal to achieve financial freedom.
That way, when you encounter any of life’s inevitable setbacks, you will be better positioned to endure them.

The site is unlike any other, because we will help you with all these areas.

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